Nigina Amonqulova _ ENG

The only official channel of Nigina Amonkulova in English here you can find out all the upcoming concerts and events Website: our second channel in Russian
Nigina Amonqulova _ ENG
Sport without fanaticism is a good sport. This is a healthy lifestyle, it is he who gives the necessary benefits to the person. Going in for sports, subject to certain rules, you can significantly improve your well-being. These rules are quite simple and well-known. They, in particular, include compliance with the regime, proper and balanced nutrition, the presence of constant physical activit ...
Nigina Amonqulova _ ENG
Do not wait when you graduate, when the children are born. Stop waiting when you start working, when you retire, when you get married, get divorced. Do not wait for Friday evening, Sunday morning, buying a new car, a new apartment. Do not wait for spring, summer, autumn, winter. moments of happiness are precious; this is not the final destination of the journey, but the journey itself. work — ...
Nigina Amonqulova _ ENG
Trust is a bridge that everyone builds on their own, in the hope that they are waiting for him on the other side.
Nigina Amonqulova _ ENG
Nigina Amonqulova & Munirakhon Isamova
Nigina Amonqulova _ ENG
It makes no sense to find a place where you feel good. It makes sense to learn how to create this “good” anywhere.
Nigina Amonqulova _ ENG
Нигина Амонкулова Ватан Nigina Amonqulova Watan
Nigina Amonqulova _ ENG
Life does not punish us. Life teaches us. And we live for the sake of this knowledge. Any event can change us, but catastrophic events have the maximum potential for changing the way of thinking. Live, feeling that in any event there is a deep meaning, then ALL life will be filled with meaning. Understand why this test was sent to you, pass it with honor, and it will not meet you again.
Nigina Amonqulova _ ENG
Happy holiday of memory and honor. RT actress Nigina Amonkulova, heartily congratulates The population of our country and compatriots – With the Day of memory and honor. May the bright memory of our ancestors be preserved in our hearts! I wish you all, you a peaceful sky over your head, kindness, harmony and good health.