Astronomy Picture of the Day

Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. provided by NASA and Michigan Technological University (MTU).
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© April 8's


986,91 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Eclipse in Seven Start at the upper left above and you can follow the progress of April 8's total eclipse of the Sun in seven sharp, separate exposures. The image sequence was recorded with a telescope and camera located within the narrow path of totality as the Moon's shadow swept across Newport, Vermont, USA. At center is a spectacular view of the solar corona. The tenuous outer atmosphere of ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day


174,146 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Planets Around a Total Eclipse What wonders appear when the Moon blocks the Sun? For many eager observers of Monday’s total eclipse of the Sun, the suddenly dark sky included the expected corona and two (perhaps surprise) planets: Venus and Jupiter. Normally, in recent days, Venus is visible only in the morning when the Sun and Jupiter are below the horizon, while Jupiter appears bright only in ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Stan Honda


1,53 Мб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Moon's Shadow over Lake Magog Captured in this snapshot, the shadow of the Moon came to Lake Magog, Quebec, North America, planet Earth on April 8. For the lakeside eclipse chasers, the much anticipated total solar eclipse was a spectacle to behold in briefly dark, but clear skies. Of course Lake Magog was one of the last places to be visited by the Moon's shadow. The narrow path of totality fo ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Shengyu Li & Shaining


879,051 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌The Changing Ion Tail of Comet Pons-Brooks How does a comet tail change? It depends on the comet. The ion tail of Comet 12P/Pons–Brooks has been changing markedly, as detailed in the featured image sequenced over nine days from March 6 to 14 (top to bottom). On some days, the comet's ion tail was relatively long and complex, but not every day. Reasons for tail changes include the rate of ejecti ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Ben Cooper


75,854 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌A Total Solar Eclipse over Wyoming Will the sky be clear enough to see the eclipse? This question is already on the minds of many North Americans hoping to see tomorrow's solar eclipse. This question was also on the mind of many people attempting to see the total solar eclipse that crossed North America in August 2017. Then, the path of total darkness shot across the mainland of the USA from co ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Hubble Heritage Project


131,037 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Unwinding M51 The arms of a grand design spiral galaxy 60,000 light-years across are unwound in this digital transformation of the magnificent 2005 Hubble Space Telescope portrait of M51. In fact, M51 is one of the original spiral nebulae, its winding arms described by a mathematical curve known as a logarithmic spiral, a spiral whose separation grows in a geometric way with increasing distance ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Barden Ridge Observatory


570,887 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌The Solar Corona Unwrapped Changes in the alluring solar corona are detailed in this creative composite image mapping the dynamic outer atmosphere of the Sun during two separate total solar eclipses. Unwrapped from the complete circle of the eclipsed Sun's edge to a rectangle and mirrored, the entire solar corona is shown during the 2017 eclipse (bottom) seen from Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and the ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Dan Bartlett


585,561 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Comet Pons-Brooks at Night In dark evening skies over June Lake, northern hemisphere, planet Earth, Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks stood just above the western horizon on March 30. Its twisted turbulent ion tail and diffuse greenish coma are captured in this two degree wide telescopic field of view along with bright yellowish star Hamal also known as Alpha Arietis. Now Pons-Brooks has moved out of the n ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Unusual Nebula Pa 30 What created this unusual celestial firework? The nebula, dubbed Pa 30, appears in the same sky direction now as a bright "guest star" did in the year 1181. Although Pa 30's filaments look similar to that created by a nova (for example GK Per), and a planetary nebula (for example NGC 6751), some astronomers now propose that it was created by a rare type of supernova: a ther ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Phil Hart


319,577 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Detailed View of a Solar Eclipse Corona Only in the fleeting darkness of a total solar eclipse is the light of the solar corona easily visible. Normally overwhelmed by the bright solar disk, the expansive corona, the sun's outer atmosphere, is an alluring sight. But the subtle details and extreme ranges in the corona's brightness, although discernible to the eye, are notoriously difficult to ph ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Swirling Magnetic Field around Our Galaxy's Central Black Hole What's happening to the big black hole in the center of our galaxy? It is sucking in matter from a swirling disk -- a disk that is magnetized, it has now been confirmed. Specifically, the black hole's accretion disk has recently been seen to emit polarized light, radiation frequently associated with a magnetized source. Pictured her ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Petr Horálek (ESO Photo Ambassador, Inst. of Physics in Opava) ; Acknowledgement: Xavier Jubier


69,761 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Total Solar Eclipse Below the Bottom of the World In late 2021 there was a total solar eclipse visible only at the end of the Earth. To capture the unusual phenomenon, airplanes took flight below the clouded seascape of Southern Ocean. The featured image shows one relatively spectacular capture where the bright spot is the outer corona of the Sun and the eclipsing Moon is seen as the dark spot ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Library of Melk Abbey, Frag. 229


449,105 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Medieval Astronomy from Melk Abbey Discovered by accident, this manuscript page provides graphical insight to astronomy in medieval times, before the Renaissance and the influence of Nicolaus Copernicus, Tycho de Brahe, Johannes Kepler, and Galileo. The intriguing page is from lecture notes on astronomy compiled by the monk Magister Wolfgang de Styria before the year 1490. The top panels clearl ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Galileo's Europa Looping through the Jovian system in the late 1990s, the Galileo spacecraft recorded stunning views of Europa and uncovered evidence that the moon's icy surface likely hides a deep, global ocean. Galileo's Europa image data has been remastered here, with improved calibrations to produce a color image approximating what the human eye might see. Europa's long curving fractures hi ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Massimo Di Fusco


6,46 Мб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Millions of Stars in Omega Centauri Globular star cluster Omega Centauri, also known as NGC 5139, is 15,000 light-years away. The cluster is packed with about 10 million stars much older than the Sun within a volume about 150 light-years in diameter. It's the largest and brightest of 200 or so known globular clusters that roam the halo of our Milky Way galaxy. Though most star clusters consist ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Joe Hua


193,533 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌The Coma Cluster of Galaxies Almost every object in the featured photograph is a galaxy. The Coma Cluster of Galaxies pictured here is one of the densest clusters known - it contains thousands of galaxies. Each of these galaxies houses billions of stars - just as our own Milky Way Galaxy does. Although nearby when compared to most other clusters, light from the Coma Cluster still takes hundreds ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day


1,05 Мб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Comet Pons-Brooks' Ion Tail Comet Pons-Brooks has quite a tail to tell. First discovered in 1385, this erupting dirty snowball loops back into our inner Solar System every 71 years and, this time, is starting to put on a show for deep camera exposures. In the featured picture, the light blue stream is the ion tail which consists of charged molecules pushed away from the comet's nucleus by the s ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day


107,326 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Looking Back at an Eclipsed Earth Here is what the Earth looks like during a solar eclipse. The shadow of the Moon can be seen darkening part of Earth. This shadow moved across the Earth at nearly 2000 kilometers per hour. Only observers near the center of the dark circle see a total solar eclipse - others see a partial eclipse where only part of the Sun appears blocked by the Moon. This specta ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day


333,513 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Phobos: Moon over Mars A tiny moon with a scary name, Phobos emerges from behind the Red Planet in this timelapse sequence from the Earth-orbiting Hubble Space Telescope. Over 22 minutes the 13 separate exposures were captured near the 2016 closest approach of Mars to planet Earth. Martians have to look to the west to watch Phobos rise, though. The small moon is closer to its parent planet than ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Steve Cannistra


6,26 Мб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌The Leo Trio This popular group leaps into the early evening sky around the March equinox and the northern hemisphere spring. Famous as the Leo Triplet, the three magnificent galaxies found in the prominent constellation Leo gather here in one astronomical field of view. Crowd pleasers when imaged with even modest telescopes, they can be introduced individually as NGC 3628 (left), M66 (bottom r ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Mike Selby


246,687 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌The Eyes in Markarian's Galaxy Chain Across the heart of the Virgo Galaxy Cluster lies a string of galaxies known as Markarian's Chain. Prominent in Markarian's Chain are these two interacting galaxies, NGC 4438 (left) and NGC 4435 - also known as The Eyes. About 50 million light-years away, the two galaxies appear to be about 100,000 light-years apart in this sharp close-up, but have likely ap ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Alan Dyer,, TWAN


238,413 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌A Picturesque Equinox Sunset What's that at the end of the road? The Sun. Many towns have roads that run east-west, and on two days each year, the Sun rises and sets right down the middle. Today, in some parts of the world (tomorrow in others), is one of those days: an equinox. Not only is this a day of equal night ("aequus"-"nox") and day time, but also a day when the sun rises precisely to th ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Jan Erik Vallestad


125,847 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Comet Pons-Brooks' Swirling Coma A bright comet will be visible during next month's total solar eclipse. This very unusual coincidence occurs because Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks's return to the inner Solar System places it by chance only 25 degrees away from the Sun during Earth's April 8 total solar eclipse. Currently the comet is just on the edge of visibility to the unaided eye, best visible with ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day


218,994 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌NGC 7714: Starburst after Galaxy Collision Is this galaxy jumping through a giant ring of stars? Probably not. Although the precise dynamics behind the featured image is yet unclear, what is clear is that the pictured galaxy, NGC 7714, has been stretched and distorted by a recent collision with a neighboring galaxy. This smaller neighbor, NGC 7715, situated off to the left of the frame, is thou ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day


822,214 Кб