Astronomy Picture of the Day

Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. provided by NASA and Michigan Technological University (MTU).
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌M51: The Whirlpool Galaxy from Hubble The Whirlpool Galaxy is a classic spiral galaxy. At only 30 million light years distant and fully 60 thousand light years across, M51, also known as NGC 5194, is one of the brightest and most picturesque galaxies on the sky. The featured image is a digital combination of images taken in different colors by the Earth-orbiting Hubble Space Telescope, highligh ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Dani Caxete


499,915 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Find the Man in the Moon Have you ever seen the Man in the Moon? This common question plays on the ability of humans to see pareidolia -- imagining familiar icons where they don't actually exist. The textured surface of Earth's full Moon is home to numerous identifications of iconic objects, not only in modern western culture but in world folklore throughout history. Examples, typically depende ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© David Cruz


1,37 Мб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌The Road and the Milky Way At night you can follow this road as it passes through the Dark Sky Alqueva reserve not too far from Alentejo, Portugal. Or you could stop, look up, and follow the Milky Way through the sky. Both stretch from horizon to horizon in this 180 degree panorama recorded on June 3. Our galaxy's name, the Milky Way, does refer to its appearance as a milky path in the sky. The ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Nicolas Rolland


0,284 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Arp 286: Trio in Virgo This colorful telescopic field of view features a trio of interacting galaxies almost 90 million light-years away, toward the constellation Virgo. On the right two spiky, foreground Milky Way stars echo the extragalactic hues, a reminder that stars in our own galaxy are like those in distant island universes. With sweeping spiral arms and obscuring dust lanes, the dominan ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Wolfgang Zimmermann


1,88 Мб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Cosmic Clouds in Cygnus These cosmic clouds of gas and dust drift through rich star fields along the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy toward the high flying constellation Cygnus. They're too faint to be seen with the unaided eye though, even on a clear, dark night. Image data from a camera and telephoto lens using narrowband filters was used to construct this 10 degree wide field of view. The deep ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day


3,33 Мб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Ship Tracks over the Pacific Ocean What are those unusual streaks? Some images of planet Earth show clear bright streaks that follow the paths of ships. Known as ship tracks, these low and narrow bands are caused by the ship's engine exhaust. Water vapor condenses around small bits of exhaust known as aerosols, which soon grow into floating water drops that efficiently reflect sunlight. Ship tr ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Shaun Robertson


421,744 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌NGC 6188: Dragons of Ara Do dragons fight on the altar of the sky? Although it might appear that way, these dragons are illusions made of thin gas and dust. The emission nebula NGC 6188, home to the glowing clouds, is found about 4,000 light years away near the edge of a large molecular cloud unseen at visible wavelengths, in the southern constellation Ara (the Altar). Massive, young stars of t ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day


552,112 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Milky Way Galaxy Doomed: Collision with Andromeda Pending Will our Milky Way Galaxy collide one day with its larger neighbor, the Andromeda Galaxy? Most likely, yes. Careful plotting of slight displacements of M31's stars relative to background galaxies on recent Hubble Space Telescope images indicate that the center of M31 could be on a direct collision course with the center of our home galax ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day


31,663 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Two Black Holes Dancing in 3C 75 What's happening at the center of active galaxy 3C 75? The two bright sources at the center of this composite x-ray (blue)/ radio (pink) image are co-orbiting supermassive black holes powering the giant radio source 3C 75. Surrounded by multimillion degree x-ray emitting gas, and blasting out jets of relativistic particles the supermassive black holes are separa ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Zhuoxiao Wang


2,03 Мб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Tau Herculids from Space On May 31 tens of parallel meteor streaks were recorded in this 8 degree wide field of view of planet Earth's limb from space. The image is one of a series of 5 minute long observations by the orbiting Yangwang-1 space telescope. It was captured at 03:43 UT, near the peak of the Tau Herculid meteor shower. As predicted, the meteor shower was an active one this year, cau ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Maxime Oudoux


1,82 Мб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌A 10,000 Kilometer Galactic Bridge With this creative astro-collaboration you can follow the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy as it bridges northern and southern hemisphere skies. To construct the expansive composite nightscape, skies over Observatorio El Sauce in Chile (top) were imaged on the same date but 6 hours later than the skies over the Saint-Veran observatory in the French Alps. The 6 ho ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Quentin Gineys


251,911 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Lunar Occultation of Venus On May 27 Venus rose as the morning star, near the waning crescent Moon in a predawn sky already full of planets. It was close on the sky to the Moon's crescent and a conjunction of the second an third brightest celestial beacons were enjoyed by skygazers around the world. But seen from locations along a track through southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean the Moon actua ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Jianwei LyuSteward Obs., U. Arizona


180,247 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Tau Herculids Meteors over Kitt Peak Telescopes It wasn't the storm of the century -- but it was a night to remember. Last night was the peak of the Tau Herculids meteor shower, a usually modest dribble of occasional meteors originating from the disintegrating Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3. This year, calculations showed that the Earth might be passing through a particularly dense stream of ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Michael Cain


239,729 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Rocket Transits Rippling Sun The launch of a rocket at sunrise can result in unusual but intriguing images that feature both the rocket and the Sun. Such was the case last month when a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket blasted off from NASA's Kennedy Space Center carrying 53 more Starlink satellites into low Earth orbit. In the featured launch picture, the rocket's exhaust plume glows beyond its projectio ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Fefo Bouvier


1,93 Мб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Red Crepuscular Rays from an Eclipse What's happening behind that island? Things both expected and unexpected. Expected, perhaps, the pictured rays of light -- called crepuscular rays -- originate from the Sun. Unexpected, though, the Sun was being partially eclipsed by the Moon at the time -- late last month. Expected, perhaps, the Sun's rays are quite bright as they shine through gaps in belo ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Simulation TNG50: A Galaxy Cluster Forms How do clusters of galaxies form? Since our universe moves too slowly to watch, faster-moving computer simulations are created to help find out. A recent effort is TNG50 from IllustrisTNG, an upgrade of the famous Illustris Simulation. The first part of the featured video tracks cosmic gas (mostly hydrogen) as it evolves into galaxies and galaxy clusters ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Martin Pugh


6,37 Мб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌RCW 86: Historical Supernova Remnant In 185 AD, Chinese astronomers recorded the appearance of a new star in the Nanmen asterism. That part of the sky is identified with Alpha and Beta Centauri on modern star charts. The new star was visible for months and is thought to be the earliest recorded supernova. This deep image shows emission nebula RCW 86, understood to be the remnant of that stellar ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Titan: Moon over Saturn Like Earth's moon, Saturn's largest moon Titan is locked in synchronous rotation. This mosaic of images recorded by the Cassini spacecraft in May of 2012 shows its anti-Saturn side, the side always facing away from the ringed gas giant. The only moon in the solar system with a dense atmosphere, Titan is the only solar system world besides Earth known to have standing bod ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Michael Sherick


365,073 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌NGC 4565: Galaxy on Edge Magnificent spiral galaxy NGC 4565 is viewed edge-on from planet Earth. Also known as the Needle Galaxy for its narrow profile, bright NGC 4565 is a stop on many telescopic tours of the northern sky, in the faint but well-groomed constellation Coma Berenices. This sharp, colorful image reveals the galaxy's boxy, bulging central core cut by obscuring dust lanes that lace ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day


7,28 Мб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌The Lively Center of the Lagoon Nebula The center of the Lagoon Nebula is a whirlwind of spectacular star formation. Visible near the image center, at least two long funnel-shaped clouds, each roughly half a light-year long, have been formed by extreme stellar winds and intense energetic starlight. A tremendously bright nearby star, Herschel 36, lights the area. Vast walls of dust hide and redd ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Andrei Ionut Dascalu


3,37 Мб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌A Deep Sky Behind an Eclipsed Moon The plan was to capture a picturesque part of the sky that was hosting an unusual guest. The result included a bonus — an additional and unexpected guest. The beautiful background features part of the central band of our Milky Way galaxy on the far left, and the colorful clouds of Rho Ophiuchi in the image center. The unusual guest, a dimmed and reddened Moon ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day


840,637 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌The Once and Future Stars of Andromeda This picture of Andromeda shows not only where stars are now, but where stars will soon be. Of course, the big, beautiful Andromeda Galaxy, M31, is a spiral galaxy -- and a mere 2.5 million light-years away. Both space-based and ground-based observatories have been here combined to produce this intriguing composite image of Andromeda, at wavelengths both i ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌A Large Tsunami Shock Wave on the Sun Tsunamis this large don't happen on Earth. During 2006, a large solar flare from an Earth-sized sunspot produced a tsunami-type shock wave that was spectacular even for the Sun. Pictured here, the tsunami wave was captured moving out from active region AR 10930 by the Optical Solar Patrol Network (OSPAN) telescope in New Mexico, USA. The resulting shock wav ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Donald Waid


288,558 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Planetary Nebula Abell 7 Very faint planetary nebula Abell 7 is some 1,800 light-years distant, just south of Orion in planet Earth's skies in the constellation Lepus, The Hare. Surrounded by Milky Way stars and near the line-of-sight to distant background galaxies, its generally simple spherical shape, about 8 light-years in diameter, is outlined in this deep telescopic image. Within its confi ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Maxime Oudoux


214,816 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌A View from Earth's Shadow This serene sand and skyscape finds the Dune of Pilat on the coast of France still in Earth's shadow during the early morning hours of May 16. Extending into space, the planet's dark umbral shadow covered the Moon on that date. From that location the total phase of a lunar eclipse had begun before moonset. Still in sunlight though, the International Space Station cros ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Michael Cain


2,38 Мб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌A Digital Lunar Eclipse Recorded on May 15/16 this sequence of exposures follows the Full Moon during a total lunar eclipse as it arcs above treetops in the clearing skies of central Florida. A frame taken every 5 minutes by a digital camera shows the progression of the eclipse over three hours. The bright lunar disk grows dark and red as it glides through planet Earth's shadow. In fact, counti ...