Astronomy Picture of the Day

Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. provided by NASA and Michigan Technological University (MTU).
Astronomy Picture of the Day


88,47 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌M2-9: Wings of a Butterfly Nebula Are stars better appreciated for their art after they die? Actually, stars usually create their most artistic displays as they die. In the case of low-mass stars like our Sun and M2-9 pictured here, the stars transform themselves from normal stars to white dwarfs by casting off their outer gaseous envelopes. The expended gas frequently forms an impressive displ ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌When Z is for Mars A composite of images captured about a week apart from mid August 2022 through late March 2023, this series traces the retrograde motion of ruddy-colored Mars. Progressing from lower right to upper left Mars makes a Z-shaped path as it wanders past the Pleiades and Hyades star clusters, through the constellation Taurus in planet Earth's night sky. Seen about every two years, ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Mike Selby


605,018 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Portrait of NGC 3628 Sharp telescopic views of NGC 3628 show a puffy galactic disk divided by dark dust lanes. Of course, this portrait of the magnificent, edge-on spiral galaxy puts some astronomers in mind of its popular moniker, the Hamburger Galaxy. It also reveals a small galaxy nearby (below), likely a satellite of NGC 3628, and a very faint but extensive tidal tail. The drawn out tail st ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day


5,1 Мб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌NGC 2419: Intergalactic Wanderer Stars of the globular cluster NGC 2419 are packed into this Hubble Space Telescope field of view toward the mostly stealthy constellation Lynx. The two brighter spiky stars near the edge of the frame are within our own galaxy. NGC 2419 itself is remote though, some 300,000 light-years away. In comparison, the Milky Way's satellite galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cl ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Howard Trottier


9 Мб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌NGC 206 and the Star Clouds of Andromeda The large stellar association cataloged as NGC 206 is nestled within the dusty arms of the neighboring Andromeda galaxy along with the galaxy's pinkish star-forming regions. Also known as M31, the spiral galaxy is a mere 2.5 million light-years away. NGC 206 is found right of center in this sharp and detailed close-up of the southwestern extent of Androm ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Javier Zayaz


3,05 Мб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌North Star: Polaris and Surrounding Dust Why is Polaris called the North Star? First, Polaris is the nearest bright star toward the north spin axis of the Earth. Therefore, as the Earth turns, stars appear to revolve around Polaris, but Polaris itself always stays in the same northerly direction -- making it the North Star. Since no bright star is near the south spin axis of the Earth, there is ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Daniel Stern


6,86 Мб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌IC 2944: The Running Chicken Nebula To some, it looks like a giant chicken running across the sky. To others, it looks like a gaseous nebula where star formation takes place. Cataloged as IC 2944, the Running Chicken Nebula spans about 100 light years and lies about 6,000 light years away toward the constellation of the Centaur (Centaurus). The featured image, shown in scientifically assigned c ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌The Egg Nebula in Polarized Light Where is the center of the Egg Nebula? Emerging from a cosmic egg, the star in the center of the Egg Nebula is casting away shells of gas and dust as it slowly transforms itself into a white dwarf star. The Egg Nebula is a rapidly evolving pre- planetary nebula spanning about one light year. It lies some 3,000 light-years away toward the northern constellation ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌M100: A Grand Design Spiral Galaxy Majestic on a truly cosmic scale, M100 is appropriately known as a grand design spiral galaxy. It is a large galaxy of over 100 billion stars with well-defined spiral arms that is similar to our own Milky Way Galaxy. One of the brightest members of the Virgo Cluster of galaxies, M100 (alias NGC 4321) is 56 million light-years distant toward the constellation o ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Rigel Wide Brilliant, blue, supergiant star Rigel marks the foot of Orion the Hunter in planet Earth's night. Designated Beta Orionis, it's at the center of this remarkably deep and wide field of view. Rigel's blue color indicates that it is much hotter than its rival supergiant in Orion the yellowish Betelgeuse (Alpha Orionis), though both stars are massive enough to eventually end their days ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day


2,2 Мб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Terran 1 Burns Methalox Relativity's Terran 1 Rocket is mostly 3D-printed. It burns a cryogenic rocket fuel composed of liquid methane and liquid oxygen (methalox). In this close-up of a Terran 1 launch on the night of March 22 from Cape Canaveral, icy chunks fall through the stunning frame as intense blue exhaust streams from its nine Aeon 1 engines. In a largely successful flight the inovativ ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Rubin's Galaxy In this Hubble Space Telescope image the bright, spiky stars lie in the foreground toward the heroic northern constellation Perseus and well within our own Milky Way galaxy. In sharp focus beyond is UGC 2885, a giant spiral galaxy about 232 million light-years distant. Some 800,000 light-years across compared to the Milky Way's diameter of 100,000 light-years or so, it has around ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day


1,89 Мб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Olympus Mons: Largest Volcano in the Solar System The largest volcano in our Solar System is on Mars. Although three times higher than Earth's Mount Everest, Olympus Mons will not be difficult for humans to climb because of the volcano's shallow slopes and Mars' low gravity. Covering an area greater than the entire Hawaiian volcano chain, the slopes of Olympus Mons typically rise only a few deg ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day


95,903 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌The Galactic Center Radio Arc What causes this unusual curving structure near the center of our Galaxy? The long parallel rays slanting across the top of the featured radio image are known collectively as the Galactic Center Radio Arc and point out from the Galactic plane. The Radio Arc is connected to the Galactic Center by strange curving filaments known as the Arches. The bright radio struct ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day


277,621 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌M57: The Ring Nebula from Hubble It was noticed hundreds of years ago by stargazers who could not understand its unusual shape. It looked like a ring on the sky. Except for the rings of Saturn, the Ring Nebula (M57) may be the most famous celestial circle. We now know what it is, and that its iconic shape is due to our lucky perspective. The recent mapping of the expanding nebula's 3-D structur ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Nicolas Rolland


0,249 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌NGC 2442: Galaxy in Volans Distorted galaxy NGC 2442 can be found in the southern constellation of the flying fish, (Piscis) Volans. Located about 50 million light-years away, the galaxy's two spiral arms extending from a pronounced central bar give it a hook-shaped appearance in this deep colorful image, with spiky foreground stars scattered across the telescopic field of view. The image also ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day


2,09 Мб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Seeing Titan Shrouded in a thick atmosphere, Saturn's largest moon Titan really is hard to see. Small particles suspended in the upper atmosphere cause an almost impenetrable haze, strongly scattering light at visible wavelengths and hiding Titan's surface features from prying eyes. But Titan's surface is better imaged at infrared wavelengths where scattering is weaker and atmospheric absorptio ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Matias Tomasello


957,236 Кб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌NGC 4372 and the Dark Doodad The delightful Dark Doodad Nebula drifts through southern skies, a tantalizing target for binoculars toward the small constellation Musca, The Fly. The dusty cosmic cloud is seen against rich starfields just south of the Coalsack Nebula and the Southern Cross. Stretching for about 3 degrees across the center of this telephoto field of view, the Dark Doodad is punctu ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Aleix RoigAstroCatInfo


5,08 Мб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Sh2-308: A Dolphin Shaped Star Bubble Which star created this bubble? It wasn't the bright star on the bubble's right. And it also wasn't a giant space dolphin. It was the star in the blue nebula's center, a famously energetic Wolf-Rayet star. Wolf-Rayet stars in general have over 20 times the mass of our Sun and expel fast particle winds that can create iconic looking nebulas. In this case, th ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© T. SlovinskýP. HorálekIoP OpavaCTIONOIRLabNSFAURA


1,7 Мб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌A Multiple Green Flash Sunset Yes, but can your green flash do this? A green flash at sunset is a rare event that many Sun watchers pride themselves on having seen.  Once thought to be a myth, a green flash is now understood to occur when the Earth's atmosphere acts like both a prism and a lens. Different atmospheric layers create altitude-variable refraction that takes light from the top of th ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Cari Letelier


2,79 Мб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Aurora Over Arctic Henge Reports of powerful solar flares started a seven-hour quest north to capture modern monuments against an aurora-filled sky. The peaks of iconic Arctic Henge in Raufarhöfn in northern Iceland were already aligned with the stars: some are lined up toward the exact north from one side and toward exact south from the other. The featured image, taken after sunset late last m ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Wanderers How far out will humanity explore? If this video's fusion of real space imagery and fictional space visualizations is on the right track, then at least the Solar System. Some of the video's wondrous sequences depict future humans drifting through the rings of Saturn, exploring Jupiter from a nearby spacecraft, and jumping off a high cliff in the low gravity of a moon of Uranus. Althou ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Giorgia Hofer


8,9 Мб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Venus and the Da Vinci Glow On March 23 early evening skygazers could watch Venus and a young crescent moon, both near the western horizon. On that date Earth's brilliant evening star, faint lunar night side and slender sunlit crescent were captured in this telephoto skyscape posing alongside a church tower from Danta di Cadore, Dolomiti, Italy. Of course the subtle lunar illumination is earths ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Former darling


1,32 Мб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Outbound Comet ZTF Former darling of the northern sky Comet C/2022E3 (ZTF) has faded. During its closest approach to our fair planet in early February Comet ZTF was a mere 2.3 light-minutes distant. Then known as the green comet, this visitor from the remote Oort Cloud is now nearly 13.3 light-minutes away. In this deep image, composed of exposures captured on March 21, the comet still sports a ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Roberto Marinoni


2,74 Мб
Astronomy Picture of the Day
🌌Spiral Galaxy NGC 2841 A mere 46 million light-years distant, spiral galaxy NGC 2841 can be found in planet Earth's night sky toward the northern constellation of Ursa Major. This sharp image centered on the gorgeous island universe also captures spiky foreground Milky Way stars and more distant background galaxies within the same telescopic field of view. It shows off the bright nucleus of NGC ...
Astronomy Picture of the Day
© Abdullah Al-Harbi


1,32 Мб