TamTam Bot API channel

Official TamTam Bot API news channel. Main TamTam bot is @primebot. Feel free to contact @support for any questions about TamTam Bot API
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TamTam Bot API channel
We removed the ability to change the name of the link for the bot at https://dev.tamtam.chat/#operation/editMyInfoNow. Now you can change the name of the bot using @primebot. Мы убрали возможность менять название ссылки для бота в https://dev.tamtam.chat/#operation/editMyInfoNow. Теперь изменить название бота можно с помощью @primebot.
TamTam Bot API channel
TamTam now supports rich text, as does the Bot API! Check out the updated documentation for developers here. Read more about rich text support on our blog.
TamTam Bot API channel
Introducing @antispam, an official TamTam bot for protecting chats from spammers 🚫 Add it to a chat as an administrator. Then use /menu in a dialog with bot to set it up. @antispam bot can: - Allow or ban different types of content in a chat; pictures, video, links, etc - Set up stop words - Control overposting - Ban chat members or set up a read-only mode for them - Modify chat administrator ...
TamTam Bot API channel
Подводим итоги конкурса разработчиков ботов ТамТам! 🎉 Победителями стали 3 бота-конструктора: Прогноз погоды Weasu https://tt.me/weasu вставляет в сообщение прогноз погоды по городу Бот для постинга https://tt.me/posting создает посты с кнопками-ссылками Бот https://tt.me/opros для проведения честных и прозрачных опросов Чтобы использовать ботов в режиме конструктора, добавьте их в контакты. ...
TamTam Bot API channel
ТамТам объявляет конкурс разработчиков ботов! Создайте бота-конструктора и выиграйте один из 3 iPhone 11 📱📱📱 Для участия в конкурсе пришлите ссылку на своего бота @contestbot до к 23:59 МСК 31 июля 2020. Жюри из команды ТамТам определит 3 лучших ботов-конструкторов и объявит победителей на этом канале до 23:59 МСК 7 августа 2020. Подробнее о конкурсе читайте в блоге https://blog.tamtam.chat/r ...
TamTam Bot API channel
We have added a new permission for TamTam bots. You can allow or prevent bots from being added to chats. To set it up, go to https://tt.me/primebot, choose /list -> (choose a bot) -> Settings -> Chat settings
TamTam Bot API channel
TamTam Bot API release 0.2.1: - Added method to get chat by its @link - Added description for users in some cases - Added user_locale to message_created update in dialogs Check out the complete diff for this update: https://github.com/tamtam-chat/tamtam-bot-api-schema/compare/v0.2.0..v0.2.1
TamTam Bot API channel
The brand new constructor feature is available for developers! 🧩 Constructor is a bot that can create a message for a user: add buttons, attach some media, insert text. We've already launched the official constructors, @reactions and @comments. For creating your constructor check out the documentation here: https://dev.tamtam.chat/#section/About/Constructors
TamTam Bot API channel
Check out TamTam Bot API Release 0.2.0: - Added new type of button to start new chat - Added Constructors API that allows bots to create message on behalf of a user - Added deep-links support - Added ability to block users in chats - Added chat_id and user_id to message_removed update - Added method to get single message by its identifier - Added user_locale to bot_started and message_callback upd ...
TamTam Bot API channel
🏅And the winner is… TamTam team is happy to announce bot developers contest winners: @voicebot, a multi language bot, modifies a voice message to a text @gotranslatebot, a translator bot, based on Google Translate @inspector_habit helps to develop good habits Congrats to the winners, our @support team will contact you soon.
TamTam Bot API channel
Bot API release 0.1.10 is on GitHub: - Added disable_link_preview parameter to POST:/messages method to disable links parsing in text - Added sending_file action - Several deprecated properties removed - photo upload type renamed to image. C is for consistency https://github.com/tamtam-chat/tamtam-bot-api-schema/releases
TamTam Bot API channel
Here we go, Bot API release 0.1.9: - Added method to get chat administrators - For `type: dialog` chats added dialog_with_user - Added url for messages in public chats/channels - Removed callback_id of InlineKeyboardAttachment - Removed user_id of CallbackAnswer. It’s no longer required. Just use callback_id of Callback - Several minor improvements https://github.com/tamtam-chat/tamtam-bot-api-sch ...
TamTam Bot API channel
Check out an updated GO client for TamTam Bot API https://github.com/neonxp/tamtam, created by our contributors! Thank you, @NeonXP 🙌
TamTam Bot API channel
Node.js module for TamTam Bot API is on GitHub, check it out: https://github.com/vershininivan/node-tamtam-botapi 
Special thank you to our contributors!
TamTam Bot API channel
Bot API release 0.1.8: - Added code, width, height to StickerAttachment - Token is only one required property for video/audio/file attachments now - Sender and chat_id of LinkedMessage are now optional - Added clarifying message to SimpleQueryResult - Typo fixes Check it out on GitHub https://github.com/tamtam-chat/tamtam-bot-api-schema/releases/tag/v0.1.8
TamTam Bot API channel
@primebot is activated for everyone now! Thank you for all your feedback and suggestions. Our @support team is ready to answer your questions.
TamTam Bot API channel
Bot API Version 0.1.6: - Added method to edit bot info Check https://dev.tamtam.chat/#operation/editMyInfo for details - Added statistics for messages in channel - Bot API documentation improvements. It has got better UI, search for hidden elements and texts update according to your requests
TamTam Bot API channel
Bot API v 0.1.5: - Added id property to media attachments (VideoAttachment, AudioAttachment), so you can reuse attachment from one message in another; - Added ability to create linked message: replied or forwarded. See link in NewMessageBody; - intent property marked as required only for CallbackButton. https://dev.tamtam.chat/#section/Changelog
TamTam Bot API channel
Please, note, only latest TamTam versions support bots: Android 2.5.0 iOS 2.6.1 Web 1.1.4
TamTam Bot API channel
🤖 Bot API beta testing is open now! To join the beta testers team, please, send a note to @botapibeta. We’ll add you to the beta testers chat and give you an access to @primebot
TamTam Bot API channel
🤖 Hello, this is official TamTam Bot API channel!